Experimental Sculpture Collection

Experimental Sculpture Collection

Blue Eyes: Balsa Wood, Elmer's Wood Glue, Wood Skewers, Blue Ink, Black Acrylic Paint
Setting Moon: Wire, Yarn, Balsa Wood, Blue Ink
Industry (1ft x 1ft): Wire, Yarn, Wood, White Acrylic Paint

Blue Eyes

Detail of Blue Eyes

Setting Moon

Detail of Setting Moon


Detail of Industry

In Progress Pictures

Artist Statement

With my three sculptures, I wanted to visually communicate repetition, focal point, and negative space. In creating the repetition in Blue Eyes, I was inspired by Ted Lott and his collection made of linear pieces of balsa wood. I wanted to keep the viewer's eye on the relaxed pieces at the top, so I added the blue to add a pop of color while still keeping kind of dark with the black balsa wood. I named it Blue Eyes because the Elmer's glue paired with the blue ink makes the sculpture look like it has contact lenses on rods. Setting Moon's focal point was slightly inspired by Terry Kreiter's curved works. I wanted to have an object dangling, and I was inspired by a scrap piece of balsa I found that kind of looked like a moon, so I attached it to a long strand of wire I had braided to make it seem like the stars wrapping around it. Finally, the negative space in Industry was inspired by Howard Hersh because he left gaps in his relief sculptures while keeping up with the wooden blocks/panels. I wanted to use harsh lines to portray negative space, so I gathered small blocks and planks of wood to express my idea. I found some beautiful brown wood that I thought should be the center force, so I painted everything else white in order to make the wire and the brown catch the viewer's attention. This piece allowed me to explore the usage of common materials to make something appear to be something else; I was able to use Elmer's wood glue and blue ink to make it look like contact lenses!

Artist Inspiration


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